numata 2
Many of the following specimens are considered “forms” of arcuella, aurora and lyrcaeus, but probably hybrids between them: maybe some forms of aurora should be more properly placed under arcuella forms or viceversa. Further complications arise from some old subspecies (isabellinus, staudingeri, elegans) recently regarded as mere forms / hybrids of aurora, arcuella and tarapotensis.
H. numata arcuella (H. Druce, 1874 )
forms: praelautus (H.F.E.J. Stichel, 1906), elegans (G. Weymer, 1894) hyb.

- MALE – Juanjuy 300-400m Nord Peru 11/2000

hybrid arcuella x lyrcaeus f. timeus? - FEMALE - Pucallpa, Rio Ucayali Peru 10/1989
H. numata lyrcaeus (G. Weymer, 1891)
forms: timaeus (G. Weymer, 1894)

- f. timaeus – MALE – Iquitos Loreto Peru 7/2009

- lyrcaeus x arcuella ? – MALE – Picuroyacu Amazonas River Loreto Peru

- lyrcaeus x aurora ? – FEMALE – Peru
H. numata aurora (H.W. Bates, 1862)
forms: michaeli (H. Neustetter, 1931), isabellinus (H.W. Bates, 1862) hyb., euphrasius (G. Weymer, 1890) hyb., gordius (G. Weymer, 1894) hyb., floridus (G. Weymer, 1894) hyb., seraphion (G. Weymer, 1894) hyb., gradatus (G. Weymer, 1894) hyb., deflavata (H. Neustetter, 1932) hyb., excelsa (H. Neustetter, 1932) hyb.

- MALE – Peru 10/1985

- f. michaeli – Iquitos 100m Loreto Peru 12/1989

- near f. michaeli – Iquitos 100m Loreto Peru 4/199(6?)

- near f. michaeli – Picuroyacu Amazonas River Loreto Peru 10/2010

- near f. deflavata – FEMALE – Iquitos 100m Loreto Peru 7/1988

- near f. gordius – Picuroyacu Amazonas River Loreto Peru 10/2010

- f. gordius – Tonantins 100m Amazonas Brazil 2/2010

- aurora f. isabellinus x arcuella ? – Iquitos Peru 10/2010

- aurora f. isabellinus x arcuella ? – Iquitos or Pucallpa ? Peru

- aurora f. isabellinus x arcuella ? – Peru

- aurora x lyrcaeus ? – Picuroyacu Amazonas River Loreto Peru 10/11//2010
H. numata gradatus – hybrid/aurora form or separate ssp

- FEMALE – Picuroyacu Amazonas River Loreto Peru 7/2013
H. numata elegans – maybe hybrid?
(now excluded from ssp, but true mimic of pardalinus butleri)

- FEMALE – Quebrada Polls, Momon River Loreto Peru 13/2/2007
H. numata nubifer (A.G. Butler, 1875)

- FEMALE – Tonantins 100m Amazonas Brazil 2/2010

- FEMALE – Pebas Ampiyacu River Loreto Peru 8/2013
messene (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1862)
juncta (H. Neustetter, 1925)
colombiana (H. Apolinar, 1927)
euphrasinus (H. Neustetter, 1928)